Climbing Mt Ishizuchi in the Autumn

Sunset on Mt Ishzuchi, Oct 4th, 2018. (Photo copyright Meigh-Andrews)
On October 4th I climbed the series of four chain routes to reach the summit of Mt Ishizuchi in Ehime Prefecture, Japan recording the sounds and images of my ascent with a 360 degree video camera. The panoramic images and sounds of the mountain landscape I have recorded will be used to develop an immersive video and sound installation which reflects my fascination with the cross-fertilization of Eastern and Western aesthetic sensibilities, both for the landscape and its tradition in art and for the intersections between nature and technology, which has been a major theme in my work for many years. The completed installation will premiere during March 2019 as part of my forthcoming solo show “The Sky is For All” at the Ruskin Gallery in Cambridge.